Women and minorities of GE - you are not underrepresented, you are systematically excluded.
Read our stories. Tell yours. Make a difference.
No more. We’ve exhausted all internal avenues. We’ve spoken with our leadership. We’ve gone to “ombuds.” Nothing has changed. We’ve filed hundreds of integrity complaints. Nothing has changed. We’ve escalated these concerns through the proper business channels. Nothing has changed. We’ve gone to the federal government. Nothing has changed.
Today, we go to the public. Today, we demand change.
We’ve collected hundreds of stories of abuse at the hands of GE and obtained thousands of pages of evidence. These stories revealed decades of systemic discrimination and retaliation. They revealed that discrimination and retaliation are deeply ingrained in GE’s cult-like culture.
They have also revealed:
Race, age, disability and pregnancy discrimination
Whistleblower retaliation
Sexual harassment
Disparity in pay and promotions
The internal complaint system, “ombuds”, is used as a weapon to retaliate against those raising concerns
Senior leadership, HR, and legal are all actively involved in the discrimination, retaliation and cover-up
One of the highest turnover rates in the industry.
Consistently negative “culture” surveys results
Warnings about GE’s “coziness” with the FAA.
Employees treated so horrifically, it is thought to have contributed to their suicides.
Using the links below, you can read many of the hundreds of stories gathered from current and former GE employees that have had their lives destroyed by what is (arguably) the world’s most corrupt company.
We will be releasing more of these stories and documents in the weeks and months to come.
GE uses its immense lobbying power to avoid punishment by federal agencies.
The company was featured in a 2002 article by the Project on Government Oversight titled: “Federal Contractor Misconduct: Failures of the Suspension and Debarment System.”
GE takes it one step further. The company mandates that U.S. based employees (who are not members of a union) sign a forced arbitration agreement. If an employee refuses to sign, they are not given a job.
Forced arbitration allows GE to hide its illegal activity by denying employees their constitutional right to sue. See for yourself, view the company’s forced arbitration manual, deceptively titled as “Solutions”
Page 5 (below) details the extensive list of offenses employees cannot sue the company for.
Instead, employees are forced into arbitration. In a system clearly designed to benefit the company, GE picks the arbitrator. GE pays the arbitrator. The conflict of interest is clear.
View a list of GE’s favorite arbitrators here
GE’s forced arbitration specifically limits:
the number of documents that can be admitted
the number of witnesses that can be called
the number of depositions taken
who does (or doesn’t) receive a subpoena
How is this legal?
Well, the short answer is because despite popular belief, lobbyists determine election outcomes, not voters. But that’s a fight for another day. Make no mistake, forced arbitration works EXACTLY how Congress intended.
Remember, this is the same government that gave Boeing the federal equivalent of a speeding ticket for murdering 346 people. Boeing is now run by a member of the “GE Mafia.”
CEO Larry Culp is aware of the systemic abuse but refuses to address it.
We’re sure it’s on his to-do list, just not as high a priority as negotiating a 46.5 million dollar bonus while laying off tens of thousands of employees. Despite trying to convince the public otherwise, GE has maintained a culture of fear, retaliation and discrimination for over a century.
Sadly, GE is not the only company that engages in forced arbitration. Here is a list of other companies that use forced arbitration.
Let’s Build a Workplace That Works
A group of GE workers have joined together to organize and protect ourselves. We are asking fellow GE workers who want to see real change at GE to share their stories. When our stories are collected and presented together, they help expose persistent patterns of sexism, ageism, racism, harassment, inequity, discrimination, intimidation, suppression, coercion, abuse, unfair punishment, and unchecked privilege.
We must work together, as colleagues – from all subsidiaries, to demand systemic change in our workplace.
It’s Time For Action. It’s Time For:
GE to end forced arbitration.
GE to abolish the corrupt “ombuds” system and allow a reputable external organization to manage internal complaints.
The EEOC to conduct a systemic discrimination investigation.
The OFCCP to debar GE for its decades of repeated violations.
The Department of Justice to investigate why employee complaints to the FAA, FDA, FBI, DHS and DOD have been ignored.
GE leadership to face criminal prosecution for decades of fraud and illegal activities.
Congress to pass the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act.
Connect with us to share your own experience, stay informed, or unite in solidarity with other current and former GE workers. Together, we can hold GE accountable.